Friday, 27 September 2019

Weaning at 17 weeks.

For the last week Raven has been a little terror; She has been waking every hour or two during the night, when she was sleeping for four hours at a time. She has also been struggling to nap during the day which has been making her super fussy throughout the later part of the day. As we do not have a dummy for Raven, this can be even more challenging.

   We had a lovely visit from the health visitor today to talk about weaning and to check on Ravens progress, during this visit I explained what has been happening with our darling little one, the health visitor actually explained that Raven could be very well ready for weaning at 17 weeks alongside still breastfeeding her until she is two years old, so that she still gets all of the health benefits of mummy's milk. Raven has also been showing other signs of her being ready: she can sit up now with little support and hold her head steady and because she can now pick stuff up and put things in her mouth.

  Well I am super excited about starting our little one on big girl food in two weeks time as she is currently 15 weeks old, originally I thought that it was only possible to wean her from six months but there is actually research that says that weaning early has no effect on your bubba as long as you wean properly with the recommended food which is some fruit and vegetables and baby rice only, until six months old. I also know that a lot of people have very strong views on not weaning until six months of age however I think it completely depends if your baby is ready, as every baby is different and it also depends on what your health visitor recommends, as at the end of the day, they are health professionals and are trained about everything to do with our little ones. If you have any questions or are considering weaning early at 17 weeks then I would highly recommend that you speak to your health visitor about this, if you haven't so already.

   So I will be making my own baby rice and baby purees, alongside some baby led weaning. I've decided to make my own baby food as its a lot cheaper and friendlier on your purses, you know exactly what's going into the food and quite a lot of store brought baby jars have high sugar contents. Also you can freeze any purees that you make so it doesn't take too long to make every time you feed bubba, for any working mammas especially.

  I will be updating you all on how the weaning goes, and I will also be posting all recipes that I use.  Until next time.

  V xx

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